Current Progress
Violet Regier
So far on this project, I’ve spent a lot of time in Jira and other project management software making sure the team’s workflow is as smooth as possible. I’ve worked to coordinate and facilitate team meetings, and recently, I’ve worked on some programming too, focusing on overhauling the throwing scripts.
During our first game jam while prototyping, I was also responsible for programming the player movement.
Jamie Burnett
During development of scented spirits, so far I've been primarily responsible for project management, and art.
During our first game jam while prototyping, I was also responsible for programing the initial version of our pet such that it would follow the thrown scent object.
Since then, I've been responsible for meeting notes, updating our project schedule (previously, we didn't really have a proper understanding of when we would want certain features worked on/completed in order to meet deadlines)
As well as working on both concept art and sprites for all of our scent item variations and the pet "Odore".
Howard He
I worked on implementing the bridge where, when you interact with the lever, it will make the bridge appear, allowing you to progress in the level. I am primarily working on coding and collaborating with my fellow coders to ensure that new functionalities are integrated with the current code without error.
Grace Yang
During the previous weeks we’ve been working on this project, I’ve been responsible for level design tasks as well as helping out with art here and there. What we’ve accomplished for level design is deciding a general level progression to easily decide which mechanics need to be fully functional for our alpha and which we need to prioritize. I’ve thus far completed the mapping of our first level (though it might still change). As for art, we’ve made good progress narrative-wise in determining what prop assets we would like to see in the environment so the story, memories of the chef and dog, are conveyed naturally through the environment. I also worked on the concept of the chef a little more, deciding he needed a more iconic silhouette, and finished drawing our title screen featuring a photo scrapbook of the pair.
Hannah Pan
This is a list of what I have currently implemented / worked on so far:
- Developed a win screen for when the player reaches the final platform and a game over screen for when they fall off a platform.
- Improved pet navigation using an AI NavMeshAgent to ‘smartly’ follow the scent of a food item, ensuring the pet stops if it can't reach the food and avoids falling off platforms.
- Created a particle system that detects particle collisions with the pet, causing it to follow the direction of the particles.
- Implemented both regular and spicy versions of food items. When the pet collides with spicy food particles, it can jump twice the normal distance. This was achieved by creating two different agent types and mesh layers—one with normal jump and link distance, and another with double. The pet's agent type switches based on the particles it collides with.
- Modified the camera so that when the player is obscured, the material of the obstructing game object becomes transparent.
- Fixed a bug with the rat being unable to interact with the bridge lever.
- Resolved a bug where pressure plates stopped working when both the pet and chef touched the same plate.
Jack You
Joining the team late has been a bit challenging, but I've been making valuable contributions by working on 3D models of assets like trees, rocks, and bushes. By supporting my team and helping where I can, I'm integrating and showing my dedication.
Victor Ma
I wrote the scripts and logic for the throwing mechanic/dynamic indicator, key and door system, and double pressure plate system. I also debugged an issue with the rat’s interaction with the lever.
Benjamin Codarin
Our project was a bit confusing in terms of direction at the beginning, but once we got a solid pitch down, our vision for the project has been actually pretty uncompromised.
My main tasks have been the creation of the main game mechanics, it started out as a trial and error puzzle game but now has a nice flow between swapping the chef and the dog’s tasks.
During this week specifically I have so far finished the layouts for level 2’s puzzles, now that the GDD is done I’m working more closely with Grace as a helping level designer. Level 2 focuses on fans and bridges, making use of the scent more as its own entity rather than just a circle around the food.
Get Scented Spirits
Scented Spirits
Status | In development |
Authors | VFuzball, Korewa99desu, Grace Yang, Valerie Burnett, CodarGames, footfungusfarmer, ChrisBaboolal, howardhe |
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