
Hannah Pan

This week I implemented a basic checkpoint system where you and the rat respawn after dying / accessing the cooking station. I also added that the pet follows the player when holding a normal biscuit. Finally I worked on adding a title screen to the game as well as various bug fixes.

Jack You

I worked on 3D models of assets like tiles, doors, and levers.  And also working on assets like mushrooms and others.

Grace Yang

The past week I've finished making the animations for our chef/player character.

Jamie Burnett

This week I primarily worked on animation and sprites for Odore a base sprite for the Chef, as well as implementing those animations in unity (hooking them up). 

Howard He

This week, I implemented the inventory UI. I ensured cheese can only be thrown if available, subtracting it upon use. I added a cooking station that pulls up a UI for crafting cheese and resets the inventory upon entry. 

Benjamin Codarin

This week, I created the LDD for the second level of our game. I also created the alpha level for our demo using the design made by Grace.

Violet Regier

This week, I worked on some polish, making sure that Odore cannot pick up biscuits before they hit the ground, and beginning implementation of sound effects. I finished up work on the revamped throwing system, getting it integrated with Howard’s inventory management system.


AlphaBuild.zip 70 MB
80 days ago

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