
Grace Yang

The past week I’ve been making textures, specifically completing the tree wall texture and the level separator door texture. I plan to revise them a little based on how they look in our beta and according to the feedback from our playtests.

Hannah Pan

This week I’ve worked on fixing the following bugs:

  • The pet would not restart to the proper position if it was in movement previously
  • The particle system of the spicy biscuit would not disappear after restarting (both through dying and reaching a cooking station)
  • If a biscuit was thrown too far the pet would not return to following the player, it would remain motionless. Now the pet follows the player unless it’s currently smelling a biscuit.

I also updated the following implementations:

  •  The cooking station now acts as the checkpoint instead of another plate. This way the player always restarts on the cooking station. 
  •  Increased the jump distance of the pet when it’s smelling a spicy biscuit.

Jamie Burnett

This week I’ve been working on:

  • Fixing a bug with the idle animations for Odore/the chef that prevented them from playing
  • Updating the design and previous animations for Odore to be more ghostly
  • Hooking up the new texture for smell particles
  • Continuing to work on animations for Odore (Specifically the spicy mode animations)

Jack You

I finished re-doing the door and lever models and textures. Also working on more props.

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